School Uniform
It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal school hours.
Forest Bridge School operate a flexible approach to uniform and, as such, will always consider requests for alteration to the uniform based on our pupils’ sensory or behavioural requirements.
We understand that some of our young people may have challenges that make wearing a uniform initially challenging. The Governing body at Forest Bridge School will respect variations on an individual basis, and judgements will remain at the discretion of the Headteacher.
We offer a change of uniform for those pupils in year seven upwards but recognise the change may not be appropriate/desirable for all of our pupils. With this in mind, pupils and their families may choose to remain with the primary pupil uniform or shift to the secondary uniform. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school office or Headteacher.
All items of clothing and equipment MUST be clearly labelled to avoid confusion:
Primary Boys’ Winter Uniform
White/light blue or navy polo shirt (with or without emblem)
Long charcoal grey trousers
Navy blue Sweatshirt or Hoodie (with or without emblem)
Short grey socks
Black or navy school shoes (no trainers)
Wellington Boots
Primary Boys’ Summer Uniform
White/light blue or navy polo shirt (with or without emblem)
Long charcoal grey trousers
Navy blue Sweatshirt or Hoodie if required
Short grey socks
Black or navy school shoes (no trainers)
Senior Boys’ Winter/Summer Uniform (as above or)
White/light blue or navy polo shirt (with or without emblem)
Long charcoal grey trousers
Navy blue Sweatshirt or Hoodie (with or without emblem)
Short grey socks
Black or navy school shoes (no trainers)
Plain navy P.E. Shorts (not lycra shorts)
White polo shirt (with school emblem or plain)
Navy sweat top/ trousers in colder weather (with or without emblem)
White sports socks
Plimsolls – black or white
Navy school fleece (optional)
one-piece swimsuit for girls/ swim shorts for boys
Primary Girls’ Winter Uniform
White/light blue or navy polo shirt (with or without emblem)
School tartan pinafore or tartan skirt or grey school trousers
Navy blue Sweatshirt or Hoodie (with or without emblem)
Knee-high socks or tights – navy
Flat black or navy school shoes (no boots or trainers)
Wellington Boots
Primary Girls’ Summer Uniform
Navy/white gingham summer dress or tartan pinafore/skirt
White/light blue or navy polo shirt (with or without emblem)
Navy blue Sweatshirt or Hoodie (with or without emblem)
Knee-high or short white socks
Black or navy school shoes or sandals (not open-toe)
Senior Girls’ Winter/Summer Uniform (as in primary or)
White/light blue or navy polo shirt (with or without emblem)
School tartan skirt
Navy blue Sweatshirt or Hoodie (with or without emblem)
Navy tights or socks
Flat black or navy school shoes (no boots)
Jewellery should not be worn, with the exception of plain single studs, which must be removed for P.E. or swimming.
Children may also wear a watch.
To improve the level of service for the provision of school uniform, we now sell the uniform from school, please contact reception with any questions or to place your order.
email: admin@forestbridgeschool.org.uk
Items with a school logo can only be purchased from school.
All non-logo items can be purchased from High Street stores.